CI(Corporate Identity)

여성폭력 예방과 근절, 폭력 피해자에 대한 지원을 위해
전문성과 경험을 바탕으로 최선을 다할 것입니다.


  • Drawing upon simplicity and balance, this symbol suggests reliability and accountability as the values upheld by our organization.
  • Reflecting hope, harmony, protection, and coexistence, this image evokes two clasped hands and swelling hope.
  • The leaf signifies positivity and optimism while the clasped hands suggest harmony and a close embrace.
  • Hope
  • Warmth, passion, and happiness
  • Protection, transparency, and passion

AI Download PNG Download

Guidance on the use of the symbol

This symbol and logo officially represent the Women’s Human Rights Institute of Korea and should not be used in any modified form in print and promotional materials or any other outlets since they are central in delivering the essence of our organization.
In order to maintain the integrity of the symbol and logo, anyone who wishes to apply them is advised to download and use the versions provided here. If you wish to alter them, you should consult with WHRIK and receive permission.

  • Colors used in the symbol and logo

    PANTONE 298c(CMYK - C 69% M 7%), PANTONE 123c(CMYK - M 24% Y 94%), PANTONE 360c(CMYK - C 58% Y 80%), K 100%, K 50%
  • Minimum specifications

    width 20mm

