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WHRIK distributes guidebook to support Korean victims of overseas prostitution and sex trafficking

  • Writer한국여성인권진흥원
  • Created2019-12-10
  • Hit1349

The Anti-Prostitution Support Center of the Women’s Human Rights Institute of Korea (WHRIK) has put together a guidebook to support female Korean victims of prostitution and sex trafficking for distribution. This guidebook contains the following information: definition of prostitution victims according to the Korean law, cases of sex trafficking/sexual exploitation, internet sites disguised as international job search portals soliciting women to prostitution, soliciting prostitution using massage parlours, how women in prostitution and sex trafficking are controlled, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea’s identification index for trafficking victims and why identifying victims using this index is important, and counseling information for prostituted and trafficked women in foreign countries.


The plan is to make this guidebook available to various NGOs supporting prostitution victims and Task Force Teams working to end human trafficking, mostly in countries (U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Macao, etc) where Korean victims of prostitution and sex trafficking have been reported, so that when a Korean victim is found they can be closely referred to counseling offices in Korea for prostitution victims. These guidebooks will also be distributed to international criminal investigation units nationwide, Ministry of Justice, Overseas Korean Nationals Protection Division within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to enhance awareness of prostitution overseas and sex trafficking, as well as to protect the human rights of victims.


Organizations that wish to receive this guidebook can email the request by sending in the name of organization, recipient address and contact info, number of copies needed to minkyung@stop.or.kr.

* The article which is written in Korean is attached in this post as a PDF file.

** Translation by Yonjoo Hong.