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Gwangju Metropolitan City announces winners of the ‘Anti-prostitution Poster Contest’

  • Writer한국여성인권진흥원
  • Created2019-12-10
  • Hit536

The highest award, the “human right’s award,” was given to the poster titled ‘Prostitution, Not Sex Culture but a Crime.’ (Photo Credit_Gwangju Women’s Hotline)

Gwangju Metropolitan City announced the 15 award-winning posters of the “8th Anti-Prostitution Poster Contest.” Hosted by Gwangju Women’s Hotline, Gwangju City opens this contest every year with the contest theme this year being theMeaning of a Righteous World without Prostitution.”


The highest award, the “human right’s award,” was given to the poster titled ‘Prostitution, Not Sex Culture but a Crime.’ The award-winning posters were displayed in the first floor of city hall in the Citizen’s Forest, from the 21st of October to the 28th. “We anticipate this contest to help promote an anti-prostitution culture and bring awareness to the serious problem of prostitution,” Gwangju City’s Women and Family Policy Officer said.




Ryu, Ki-young. Gwangju City’s Anti-Prostitution Poster Contest announces 15 award-winning posters. Siminsori (Sept. 29, 2019)

Cho, Jun-sung. Gwangju City announces the winners of ‘Anti-Prostitution Poster Contest.’ Newsworker (Sept. 29, 2019)

* The article which is written in Korean is attached in this post as a PDF file.

** Translation by Yonjoo Hong