Best Practices of Anti-Prostitution Organizations

여성폭력 예방과 근절, 폭력 피해자에 대한 지원을 위해
전문성과 경험을 바탕으로 최선을 다할 것입니다.

2018 Contribution Paper from Dark Bali (Indonesia)

  • Writer한국여성인권진흥원
  • Created2018-11-09
  • Hit1673

With aims to (1) strengthen an International network with anti-prostitution/sex trafficking organizations and (2) share the activities of anti-prostitution/sex trafficking organizations over the world, Womens Human Rights Institute of Korea (WHRIK) asked Dark Bali to write a paper for Korean and International readers and Dalaina May, the founder and executive director of Dark Bali, kindly accepted our request.

Please find the attachment to read the works of Dark Bali to eliminate prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual exploitation against women and children in Indonesia.