Policies and Prevention Actions in Korea

여성폭력 예방과 근절, 폭력 피해자에 대한 지원을 위해
전문성과 경험을 바탕으로 최선을 다할 것입니다.

KCSC focuses on monitoring of chat apps targeting youth for prostitution

  • Writer한국여성인권진흥원
  • Created2019-12-10
  • Hit518

(Photo Credit: KBS)

The Korea Communications Standards Commission (hereinafter KCSC) announced plans to take strong action in response to the increasing prostitution of youth via chat apps. The KCSC has been actively reviewing information on prostitution and obscenities circulated through chat apps, requesting correction of 2,380 cases in 2018 and 2,384 cases in 2019 so far.


The KCSC conducts concentrated monitoring of prostitution brokers and solicitation on major chat apps so that they do not lead to actual rendezvous for prostitution. The main chat apps with frequent correction requests are monitored for any conversations or contact circulating for prostitution. In addition, they disclosed plans to operate a cooperative system with the policy agency in which requests will be made to investigate on illicit information regarding youth prostitution.


Moreover, the KCSC will work with app store businesses such as Google to implement adult authentication procedures for chat apps in an effort to protect the youth population more effectively.



Kim, Eun-ji. KCSC focuses on monitoring of chat apps used for youth prostitution. Digital Times (Nov. 4, 2019)

Lee, Han-seung. KCSC focuses on monitoring of chat apps used for youth prostitution. Yonhap News (Nov. 4, 2019)

* Article which is written in Korean is attached in this post as a PDF file.

** Translated: Yonjoo Hong