Policies and Prevention Actions in Korea

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[WHRIK News] Cultural events held in celebration of Anti-prostitution Week

  • Writer한국여성인권진흥원
  • Created2019-11-11
  • Hit574

‘Cultural events for Anti-prostitution Week 2019’ was held on September 20 in Hongdae.


To raise social awareness on prostitution, the South Korean government annually designates “Anti-prostitution Week,” in which anti-prostitution campaigns and promotional activities are held nationwide. The dates for Anti-prostitution Week is September 19th through the 25th.


Anti-prostitution Week 2019 was held under the slogan “Eradicating prostitution enhances gender equality.” The “Say NO to Prostitution Music & Talk Concert” provided time for citizens to be in the streets and enjoy music together while thinking about ways to prevent prostitution, while a variety of citizen-led hands-on events was also a time to determine and think about efforts to eradicate prostitution.

  * Translated by Yoonjoo Hong

** The article which is written in Korean is attached in this post as a PDF file.