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2019 Contribution Paper from Polaris (USA)_Condensed Version of 'State Report Cards: Grading Criminal Record Relief Laws for Survivors of Human Trafficking

  • Writer한국여성인권진흥원
  • Created2019-08-07
  • Hit836

In last March, Polaris released one important report, that is, 'State Report Cards: Grading Criminal Record Relief Laws for Survivors of Human Trafficking' which offers detailed report cards for each state assessing what and what does not in their Criminal Records Relief Laws.

The Women's Human Rights Institute of Korea contacted one of the authors of this report, Erin Marsh, for republishing this report in Korean for more easy access by the Korean society and Erin Marsh, Data and Research Associate of Polaris, kindly accepted to republish this report with a form of condensed version of the original report. In order to avoid any translation issues, Erin Marsh and WHRIK mutually decided to remove survivors' experiences and quotes from its original version in this shortened version. So, we highly encourage the public to read the full report which can be found in here.

Also, Korean version (Condensed version of the original one) which Polaris has confirmed can be found in here.

If you have any question and feedback regarding this issue, please email

Again, the Women's Human Rights Institute of Korea wants to say special thanks to Polaris and Erin Marsh for republishing the report in Korean. We hope everyone enjoys reading this important report.